Whispering Serenity Bouquet


A delicate and enchanting floral bouquet composed of soft lavender roses, their velvety petals exuding elegance and romance. Complementing them are sprigs of fresh eucalyptus, adding a natural, aromatic touch with their silvery-green leaves. Interwoven throughout are clusters of misty blue limonium, offering a gentle pop of muted blue and creating an ethereal, airy texture. This harmonious arrangement strikes a perfect balance between classic charm and contemporary style, ideal for any occasion.

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Proposal Bliss Bouquet (Bridal or Valentine’s Day)
Birthday Rose Bliss Bouquet
Rose Bliss: 100 Single Stem Rose Bouquet (Wrapped)
Rose Bliss: 75 Single Stem Rose Bouquet (Wrapped) with Personalized Wording